Macmillan YLE Movers Skills Teacher’s Book & Webcode Pack
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底下是 Macmillan YLE Movers Skills Teacher’s Book & Webcode Pack 的內容簡介
Macmillan's Young Learners English Skills offer practice of the skills, vocabulary and grammar used in the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests.
The three-part Pupil's Book provides student-centred and effective practice of all the vocabulary and grammar structures needed to succeed in the Cambridge YLE Starters/Movers/Flyers Test.
The YLE Skills Teacher's Books include:
?Objectives overview and full teaching notes for each lesson
?Audioscripts and answer keys embedded with teaching notes
?Cambridge YLE exam overview and teaching ideas
?YLE grammar, structures and vocabulary lists
?Photocopiable resources for further classroom practice
Each YLE Skills Teacher's Book contains access to the YLE Website where teachers can download classroom and exam practice activities and a full YLE practice test.
作者: Katie Foufouti, Sandra Fox
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2014/05/20
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Macmillan YLE Movers Skills Teacher’s Book & Webcode Pack
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商品網址: Macmillan YLE Movers Skills Teacher’s Book & Webcode Pack
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